Donkey Kong 3D incoming?

Thanks to a forum member over at DKVine, we’ve got a very interesting picture.  Sitting near boxes for Kid Icarus: Uprising and Metal Gear Solid 3D:Snake Eater, and next to boxes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS, there are boxes for Donkey Kong 3D.

Which is interesting, because there hasn’t been any announcement of a Donkey Kong game for the 3DS.   After the fantastic Donkey Kong Country Returns it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Nintendo is working on a DK title, but we haven’t heard anything about it.  Evidently the EB Games that this picture was taken at was indeed taking money for pre-orders, as they were for Super Smash Bros. 3DS, a game that doesn’t have a release date, price or confirmed title.

I don’t know the legality of taking a customer’s money for a product that doesn’t exist and never will, but I hope EB Games does and they’re doing this because it does exist.  Either way, as soon as I hear something I’ll let you know!


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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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