Go Ahead… Toss That GamePad!

…but not in the trash, or anything. However, if you’re having a round of super intense Mario Wii U and happen to get overexcited and accidentally break your GamePad? No problem.

Even though Nintendo had us all wondering what the heck they intended when they revealed GamePads wouldn’t be sold separately at launch (in North America, Europe), Nintendo has stated that replacement GamePads—in the event you should damage or break yours—will be available.

That said, you might have to pay a pretty penny for it (rumors of up to $170).

We haven’t heard yet exactly how you’ll go about getting that replacement controller, but we’re assuming that any faulty units (as opposed to broken by you) will be replaced for free under warranty.

Japan has it easy, though, as stand-alone GamePads will sell for just over ¥13,000, regardless of the fact that no launch titles actually support dual GamePad use.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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