Playstation 2 Pads Can Work on Wii U

For gamers who are a little miffed about the Wii U Pro Controller being non-compatible with original Wii titles, there’s now a solution! Sort of. If you’re a fan of Sony’s iconic Dual Shock controller pads (who doesn’t have a few of those lying around the house?) and you won’t feel dirty melding systems… you’re in luck. Datel Japan has just released an adapter that’ll allow you to use your PS2 controller with the Wii U (or the Wii).

This adapter attaches to your Wii Remote and the PS2 controller, and away you go! There’s even a turbo button like you’d see on the gaming controllers from the days of 16-bit magic.

The adapter will hit store shelves on December 8th in Japan, and it’ll cost around $25 USD (1,980¥). No word yet on a Western release, but we imagine hardcore fans will be importing this one the moment it’s possible.


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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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