Upcoming Thanksgiving Deals

With Thanksgiving for our American friends almost upon us (this Thursday, Nov. 28th), and the craziest shopping weekend of the year almost here, Nintendo of America has confirmed that it’ll be offering up the 3DS and Wii U at a discounted rate for the weekend. Certainly, there will be additional deals up for grabs elsewhere, but Nintendo’s planned and advertised deals may tempt shoppers as well.

For the 3DS, the new Cobalt Blue standard 3DS will be bundled with a copy of Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon already pre-installed, and the retail price for the bundle will be $169.99. Walmart and Target will also have their own deals: Walmart will sell the 2DS for $99.96 on November 28th, and Target will sell the 3DS XL for $149.99 on November 29th.

When it comes to the Wii U, Nintendo has confirmed that a Nintendo Land bundle will appear on store shelves—along with a Luigi Wii RemotePlus—for just $59.99 and a December 2nd release date.

And of course, there will be more weekly eShop deals, this time with a Mario theme.

So, who’s going shopping this weekend?



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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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