In the not-quite-news-but-still-interesting category today, we have a little note from one industry side to another. Yesterday, we learned that Toby Fox, developer of Undertale, was open to the concept of his strange RPG on Nintendo’s systems. However, he said that he would need help from someone else in order to port the game.
Essentially, the game would need to be rewritten from the ground up, since it was entirely built with Game Maker, and Fox freely admits that this is beyond his skill level. Naturally, an Undertale fan working in the industry stepped up to offer an encouraging tweet:
Thanks for the kind words, @j_laeme!
Hey @FwugRadiation, we’d be happy to help! We ported Guacamaelee, Blek & Electronic Super Joy to Wii U.— Broken Rules (@brokenrules) February 4, 2016
Broken Rules is the developer of Chasing Aurora with a strong track record of Wii U game ports, including Electronic Super Joy and Guacamelee.
Could this be the beginning of a beautiful partnership? We’ll have to wait and see!