Slain! Arrives This Week (Plus New Launch Trailer!)

Slain! is an action-based sidescroller that pulls inspiration from Castlevania. You may recall that we reported some time ago about its delay, a decision made after the developers realized the game was literally too hard for the majority of people.

They’ve gone in and made their tweaks, and now the game is coming this week—well ahead of the “summer” date after the projected delay—with the PC version arriving first and console ports coming in the months to follow.

Wolf Brew Games has gone ahead and created a new trailer to show off Slain! for this week’s PC release, and you can check that out below. We’re not going to say the game looks easy by any stretch—in fact, watching it, we’re a little mind-boggled that this is the easier version—but we know that there’s a market for these kinds of titles.

If you love tough games like this, we hope this is everything you’ve been hoping for. It should arrive on the Wii U eShop sometime in the next few months.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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