Wii U to Get Support from Insomniac?

In our continuing look at how developers and others in the industry are looking at the Wii U, we bring you this conversation Insomniac (Developers of Rachet and Clank and Spyro) CEO Ted Price had with IndustryGamers.  Talking about Overstrike, their first multi-platform game just revealed at E3, he was asked if the Wii U was a possibility and what he thought of it.

 “I was surprised. I wasn’t expecting a handheld controller of that size, and I wasn’t expecting a touch screen, so I think all of us saw a lot of opportunity in terms of how we could use that second screen with an HD screen at the same time.

All of our designers and anybody on our team, I think their first thought is, ‘How could we use this to enhance our games in some way?’ Since every game is designed differently, there’s always a different opportunity. I don’t think, one size fits all when youre talking about a controller like that. It’s got to fit the game that you’re making. We continue to be surprised by how people are using Move and Kinect and it’s a nice part of one’s toolbox.”

So, another developer saying vague things about Nintendo’s new console.  Fingers crossed vaguely positive things mean strong 3rd party support.



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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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