With Great NeckBeard comes Great Mario Pianoing

What would happen if you took some Mario sheet music and put it in front of a fantastically talented ragtime piano player to sight read?  Well, this:

The man’s name is Tom Brier, and he is not a video game fan, though a friend of his clearly is.  He is of course a huge fan of the piano and of rag time, and agreed to give some sheet music a go that he hadn’t heard before.  I think you’ll agree the results are fantastic.  Now, in this earlier clip he gets the original Mario world 1-1 theme, and has a bit more trouble with it.  It’s still an interesting listen, though at 2:12 he slows down to what the music should sound like, and you realize what a great piece it actually is.

And just to prove that this guy is legit, check out his insanely fast rag time pianoing.


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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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