Like what the Playstation Vita has done with same-day digital releases to coincide with retail games? Well, Nintendo seems to think it’s a great idea. In a presentation to company investors, Satoru Iwata has revealed plans for both the Wii U and 3DS to offer this, starting with New Super Mario Brothers 2 in August.
Of course there will be a system restriction, so no swapping SD cards between 3DS systems. Also, make sure you’ve got space on your SD card, as that 2GB one isn’t going to cut it. Finally, don’t think retailers are going to be cut out, as that’s just not Nintendo’s way. You’ll be able to buy a card at the store with a code for the eShop on it, and Iwata said not to expect much of a price difference there. Here’s hoping they’ll follow the Vita and offer a 10% discount for digital titles, and actually put things on sale!