Secret of Mana Sequel Not Really a Secret

If they were planning on keeping it from us for awhile longer, Square Enix has failed. Then again, maybe they knew how clever we all are, because it’s being reported that Square Enix has trademarked the name Circle of Mana, which we all know suggests that the company has plans to develop another title in the popular Mana franchise—which started in 1993 with Secret of Mana.

The most recent iteration of the franchise came in 2007 with Heroes of Mana, an RTS-ish game for the Nintendo DS… so what about this new instalment?

Who knows! We’re going on a trademarked title here, and that’s all. It could end up on the PSVita. Or iOS. Or a Facebook game…

But considering the known association with Nintendo systems over the years, it’s very likely we’ll see something new on the 3DS or maybe even the Wii U.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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