Explaining Exclusivity for Rayman Legends

There have been plenty of questions abounding online around Rayman Legends, and Ubisoft’s decision to release it as a Wii U exclusive… particularly when Rayman Origins was a fantastic game released on a range of platforms.

Recently, one of Ubisoft’s level designers—Chris McEntee—spoke to Nintendo Power magazine about the company’s decision:

“The possibility (for a multiplatform release) could be there, but we chose to really focus on Wii U specifically because it has a special toolset, and because everyone that buys it gets what they need to play the game.

Here you buy the Wii U system, you buy the game, and you can experience all of the content without extras. And we didn’t want to give somebody half of the experience just for the sake of getting it out on another console.”

Okay, so in theory, they’re doing it because they’ve created a Wii U specific experience that won’t be deliverable on other platforms in the same way. It’s nice to hear such strong support by a major developer for the new system, but hopefully this kind of intense and unique development won’t have an impact on third-party support. Whether this makes or breaks the system’s success remains to be seen.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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