Despite the way things have been for many years now, the times in the gaming industry are a-changing. Rivals for gaming time have moved beyond Microsoft and Sony, and now include the casual game industry with Apple and Google. Nintendo has been fairly insistent thus far that this isn’t an issue, it’s undeniable that mobile gaming has changed the way people play, and there’s been much speculation this year about how that will affect the console industry’s next generation.
We’re also seeing a shift in consoles, where they’re becoming more of a centralized media hub rather than a traditional gaming-only venue. With Xbox 360 and the PS3 offering things like Netflix, music, and online connections, Nintendo has taken their own steps forward with the Nintendo TVii service we heard about last month for the Wii U.
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime recently spoke to The Seattle Times ( about this particular issue, stating how Nintendo fits into the shifting marketplace:
“We’ve always been an entertainment company, going all the way back to the hanafuda cards and our key equities. We’re an entertainment company. I think what the Wii U does is further show that our vision is this broader entertainment landscape.
Because in the end the time that consumer spends in any form of entertainment that’s not on our device is a missed opportunity for us. It’s that type of thinking that led us to create “Brain Age,” same type of thinking that led us to create “Wii Fit.” It’s looking at the broadest landscape possible as to what constitutes entertainment.
From a Nintendo perspective this makes sense for us because we view ourselves from this broader entertainment landscape. We view every potential consumer as an opportunity. Whether they’re 95 years old or 5 years old, we want to create entertainment that’s going to speak to that consumer. In our view whether we deliver it in a handheld device or in their home, it’s an opportunity to engage with that consumer, make them smile, give them something positive.
You look at the way we’ve managed the Mario franchise, the Zelda franchise, all our of our key franchise characters, utilizing a variety of different gameplay styles — it’s always been about driving entertainment.
I think that certainly as we launch the Wii U, as consumers experience Nintendo TV, I think consumers will also see us as a broader entertainment company.”