Wii U GamePad Drop Test!

If you opened up your Wii U box on Sunday and asked yourself “I wonder what would happen if I dropped this GamePad onto concrete from 6 feet in the air?” (who didn’t, really?), well, your curiosity is about to be sated!

The quirky (some would say “unbalanced”, but not us) guys from GizmoSlip have put the Wii U GamePad to the test in one of their famous drop tests, where they test new gadget durability by dropping it from 6 feet in the air onto concrete.

Why? It’s all to see whether the tech survives… or smashes into thousands of pieces.

Of course, the GamePad was high on their radar, and they’ve completed the test by dropping the thing to its demise from several different angles: Front, side, and of course, on the screen. Go grab a friend, place some bets on the outcome, and then give these guys a quick watch and see the results!


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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