No Plans for Mass Effect 3 DLC on Wii U

Mass Effect 3 was one of the big-name titles that released with the Wii U on launch day, with games including all the DLC available up to that point that had been released on other systems. Since that time, Bioware has released some extra DLC for the sci-fi game, namely the Omega Pack—where Commander Shephard and Company attempt to retake Omega from the clutches of Cerberus.

And if you have ME3 on Wii U, you missed out, as it wasn’t available for the system.

There’s more bad news, friends. Last week, Bioware made an announcement concerning the final DLC packs they have planned for ME3: “Citadel” (single-player) and “Reckoning” (multiplayer). And they neglected to mention the Wii U.

As a result, speculation is that we’re not going to see any DLC for ME3 on the Wii U, as a BioWare rep did mention to IGN  that “there are no plans to bring Citadel or Reckoning to the Wii U at this time.”

That said, it’s possible we could see it on the Wii U in future—they haven’t said they won’t ever do it—but the longer we wait, the less likely it is to happen.


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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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