Go give your Wii Channels some love, right now! Spend quality time with them before Nintendo puts them out to pasture… turns the lights out… sends them to a better place…
It’s happening to a chunk of the channels on June 28th:
– Forecast
– News
– Everybody Votes
– Check Mii Out
– Nintendo Channel
And in a most confusing twist, the icons won’t actually disappear from the main menu, but booting them up simply won’t do anything. You also won’t be able to do any data exchange between your friends over WiiConnect24—that means the Message Board, Mii Channel exchange of Miis, and other data exchanges in-game will no longer function. What does that mean for Mario Kart and Wii Fit? We’re not quite sure.
Evidently, the eShop and Internet channels will remain for the time behind, and you’ll still received your “Today’s Accomplishments” list on the Wii Message Board. Netflix and Amazon Prime will continue to function as formal.
It’s sad to see these things disappear, but with Smartphones doing the same thing in your back pocket—delivering news and weather the instant you want it—it makes sense. Notice that none of these disappearing channels have a counterpart on the Wii U.