E3: Mario Kart 8 Announcement

During today’s Nintendo Direct E3 broadcast, we heard confirmation for Mario Kart 8, direct from the lips of Satoru Iwata himself. This will be the Wii U debut for the Mario Kart series of games, and will pull concepts from the previous Wii and 3DS games.

The impatient will be sad to learn it won’t be available this year, however—we’re going to have to wait until Spring 2014 for this one.

That said, the footage shown during the broadcast makes it look like this is one worth waiting for—there will be much drawn from the favourite aspects of the games, along with new features. Cars and bikes will be playable, and there will be stunts (much like we had in the Wii game).

Vehicle transformations and track design provide new elements, as vehicles will be able to not only drive and glide underwater… but also shape shift for anti-gravity features! This means we’ll get to see some 3D track designs that weren’t able to be showcased in the previous games. Plus, there will be Miiverse integration and extended online options.

We’ll have to wait awhile for this one—but are you looking forward to it?


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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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