E3 Developer Direct: Miyamoto on Pikmin 3

In a developer video released as part of Nintendo’s E3 participation, Shigeru Miyamoto discusses Pikmin 3 and his excitement about the upcoming title. He mentions how pleased he is with how the game has turned out—and how happy he is they made the game. He feels like the “Wii U was made for Pikmin”!

Miyamoto also talks about the game’s controls and gameplay modes. There are three main modes—Story mode, Bingo Battle mode, and Mission mode. Mission mode is similar to the Story mode, but players will be charged with specific tasks to complete within a time frame (seven to ten minutes). Bingo Battle is a challenge against another person, where you achieve tasks or gain items to complete a “bingo” on your Pikmin bingo card!

As for the controls, players will be able to choose between Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuk, GamePad controls, or even the Wii U Pro Controller—and there will be an option to play just on the GamePad with the TV turned off.

And according to Miyamoto, anyone can play! It does look complicated, but he believes anyone will be able to pick it up and enjoy it, and learn it quickly. It’s the “ultimate evolution of the original Pikmin!”

Be sure to watch the Developer Direct below for yourself, to learn more about the game! It’s also great to hear just how passionate Miyamoto is about this upcoming title.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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