While you’re getting your limbs all limbered up for the arrival of Pikmin 3—hitting North America on August 4th—you might also want to clear a bit of space on your Wii U, especially if you’re the kind of gamer who prefers to download rather than purchase a retail copy.
Downloading from the eShop is easy for folks with a Deluxe or Premium Wii U, since you likely won’t need to use an external hard drive to fit it on the system. Rumors from those with advance copies of the game are that it takes up about 3950MB, or just over 3.85GB of space. If you haven’t downloaded much and have an 8GB hard drive Wii U, it might fit… otherwise, you may be all right, depending on how download-happy you are.
Thinking about each Pikmin as a little bit of data, the news site Nintendo Life factored that the game’s file size would accommodate 31,600 of our colourful friends!
Make way, and let the Pikmin tossing commence!