PAX Prime: “The Making of NES Games” Panel Overview

If you didn’t get to make it to the “Making of NES Games” panel this afternoon, here’s a quick overview of what you missed!

The panel certainly delivered on personal experience stories. With one panellist running the show here, that’s to be expected, and he gave a lot of his own story in working with NES games during their heyday. He provided plenty of technical info for those who enjoy that kind of thing (and provided a few moments for the less-technically inclined to check their StreetPasses), but there were a few things missing that would have really helped this panel to deliver.

With a lack of multiple people on the panel, it meant there could be less give-and-take in terms of jogging memories and starting discussion. It also meant getting side-tracked easily, and missing out on information that this one panellist perhaps wasn’t an expert on.

The biggest complaint heard from attendees after the panel was that they would have appreciated a bit more NES history—gamemaking history, and how these things came about. How quickly things got done, who handed elements off to who, that sort of thing.

However, overall it provided an additional level of insight into Nintendo history.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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