Developer Wants River City Ransom Sequel “Home” on Nintendo Platforms

Last week, a Kickstarter campaign was started by a Canadian development studio, looking to bring an official sequel to the NES brawler River City Ransom. Up until this point, Conatus Creative hadn’t announced which consoles the sequel would be available on, though the developers did say they were focusing on a Windows-based version.

The founder of the company, Daniel Crenna, has since spoken to fellow Nintendo site Nintendo Everything and mentioned that the creative team wants to bring the sequel “home” to Nintendo consoles:

“Our original game plan was: focus on funding on Windows, forget about stretch goals until we’re there, then talk about more platforms. But, all good plans…

We decided PS4 based on information we had at the time and what’s possible for us technically, but we want people to know that we want this on every platform, especially consoles like WiiU and handhelds like 3DS. So, whether we do it in a stretch goal (and we may not reach our first based on our current trajectory) or we do it funded by sales of our Windows release, the platform story doesn’t end with this Kickstarter.

As long as we ship a great game, and have strong numbers and a good relationship with our licensor, then we will have all the incentive we need to keep working on this game on as many platforms as possible, including River City Ransom’s original home on Nintendo.”

The company’s Kickstarter for the game is looking for $180,000 CDN, and has achieved $73,502 at the time of writing. There are 22 days left in the campaign, but since the stretch goal of $280,000 is for PS4 and Vita, it’s looking like even more funds would need to be raised to bring the game to the Wii U or 3DS. But, who knows—it may be possible if sales of the Windows version are good, and if demand is there for the game on Nintendo platforms.


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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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