End to Wii Production Confirmed

It was fairly recently that Nintendo Japan released a statement that announced they would be closing production of the Wii, similar to the GameCube to Wii transition years ago.

There’s now been an update posted on the Wii product page that states manufacturing of the console has officially ended. Once the existing stock on store shelves has sold, that’s it.

Curiously, when the first announcement was made, Nintendo of Europe said they didn’t have any announcements of its own in the same vein—despite the fact that it’s been assumed the production halt would be worldwide. So far, nothing else has come down the line from other Nintendo HQs.

Still, the Wii—a system that sold over 100 million units, revived Nintendo’s place in the hearts of gamers worldwide, revolutionized gaming with motion-based tech, and delivered some seriously memorable game titles—deserves a standing ovation. Despite its HD competitors, the Wii carved its niche and made a place for itself.

We’ll miss you, little white box.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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