A World of Keflings Really Will Release in 2014

Some of you were disappointed that A World of Keflings didn’t release last year, as it was supposed to. It missed the scheduled launch date in the Wii U eShop, and we didn’t receive an update. Until now! The developer, NinjaBee games, has finally surfaced to give us some news on what to expect in regard to the game’s launch:


Well, that’s reassuringly vague. At least the plan is for us to actually get to play it this year! In the meantime, folks with an Xbox are already playing via XBLA. On the Wii U, you’ll be taking your Mii on an adventure through a fantasy realm, where you’ll complete exciting tasks like city building, or composing music.

It promises to be an exciting game with a lot of potential—it’s just too bad we have to wait so long when it’s already available on another system.

While you wait (and wait and wait), take a look at the trailer below! It’s for the XBLA version, but you get the idea.


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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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