PokéBank Now Live in North America

Yes, it’s finally here! It went live in Europe earlier this week, but now the Pokémon Bank is live in North America. It’s not officially confirmed as arrived, but the app has been spotted and reports are going around that the online storage service for Pokémon X & Y is now available through the 3DS eShop around the world.

The app is free to download and will start you off in version 1.1. The Bank will give you access to 100 boxes with space for 30 Pokémon each—that gives you room to store 3000 ‘mon online! Initial downloads provide a 30-day trial, after which a year of access will cost $4.99.

If you access the Pokémon Bank by  September 30th of this year, you’ll receive a Pokémon Celebi as a free gift, and just the initial download of the Bank provides free access to the Poké Transporter linked app. This allows you to transfer your ‘mo from both Pokémon Black & White and Pokémon Black & White 2.

We know many of you have been waiting eagerly for this to arrive, so get that 3DS and get downloading!


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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