Further Delays for Watch_Dogs on Wii U

We’ve hesitated to report much on Watch_Dogs recently, because the rumors swirling around seemed to just as immediately generate counter-rumors, and so forth… and it’s not exactly helpful to keep spreading rumors that are unfounded.

Finally, we’ve got some solid news from the company that will hopefully give us enough information to prevent additional untruths from spreading—but that said, the news isn’t exactly what we all wanted to hear.

In Ubisoft’s financial results and investor call yesterday, it was confirmed that Watch_Dogs will arrive on all systems between April and June… except for the Wii U version. It’s not cancelled, not exactly, just delayed to later in the year.

CEO Yves Guillemot said this:

“We made the difficult decision to further delay the release of Watch Dogs on Wii U to focus the team’s resources where they could have the broadest possible benefit for both our customers and Ubisoft.”

The ambitious nature of this game certainly seems to have been a challenge for the company, and it’s not difficult to understand that the company wants the payoff to the worth the time and money invested… it’s fairly obvious that the delay in the Wii U edition greatly hinders its chance of success in the market.

Unless you own a Wii U and only a Wii U, why would you wait to purchase the game if you’ve been waiting for it? You’ll buy it on another system, after waiting so long to play it. And there’s a lost Wii U edition sale. Seems like a poor choice, and poor foresight, on Ubisoft’s part. (But is anyone really surprised at this point?)


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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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