No E3 Booth for Activision in 2016

Activision is a familiar face on Nintendo consoles, with Skylanders being perhaps the most recognizable property on the Wii U and 3DS year after year. Call of Duty is another familiar series, though it has appeared infrequently as of late.

Each year we wait to hear what companies will be doing at E3 and what they’ve planned to impress the masses, but Activision’s plans for this year are different than what we’ve seen before—in fact, they’re not planning to bring a booth at all.

This reduction in scale at E3 isn’t a brand new thing for the show—long time readers will remember that for the past few years, Nintendo has been attending without a booth on the show floor, choosing to hold a series of smaller events and interactive demos instead. Scott Lowe, the communications manager at Activision, explains why his company has chosen to go this route:

“In June, we’re going to be at E3 showcasing gameplay from Infinity Ward’s ambitious new game. We’re looking forward to sharing exciting new details about the next great Call of Duty game in partnership with our friends at PlayStation. We’re proud to be participating in this premier video game event, but won’t have an Activision booth on the show floor.”

Interesting. Will this mean an NX port for the new Call of Duty is something we’ll see in the future? We won’t say it’s out of the realm of possibility. In fact, we’re just pleased to see companies trying new and different things out at E3, though some companies have taken it to the extreme. EA won’t even be attending this year, which seems like an odd choice given their massive presence in previous years.

What does this mean for the conference’s future? It will be interesting to watch how the industry shifts and responds to these changes over the coming years.



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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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