Ranked Battles Almost Here as “Splatometer” Fills Up

You know Nintendo… they like to make everything into a game, something interactive to get people engaged. With Splatoon, they’ve done that by showing off a “Splatometer” that needs to be filled up before Ranked Battle mode is released.

There are several theories around as to why they’ve decided to hold off on releasing ranked gameplay immediately after release, but the most logical theory seems to be server stress testing. The Splatometer has been tweeted several times by Nintendo of America, showing the gradual level progression of players as they work toward Level 10. Once enough players have reached Level 10, the ranked option will be released.

Are they really waiting for enough people to reach Level 10, or is this a way to promote hype for the game and get people playing their hearts out on the first weekend? Or is it a clever method to manage servers through limitation of online modes on a weekend that will certainly experience a surge of players?

Either way, it won’t be long before Ranked Battles are unlocked. Ink you later, Squids!


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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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