More Nintendo themed panels, more, more more!!
Let’s face it, your feet hurt and it’ll be nice to sit down. So, why not take in one of these panels we’ve highlighted for your entertainment? As before, we’ve plucked these out due to content, the list of panelists, or just general thematic ties, but as always remember that our suggestions are entirely subjective. Check out the program on your own for more!
10:00am-11:00am – 30 Years of Adventure: The History of the Legend of Zelda (Dragonfly Theatre)
2016 marked the 30th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, one of the gaming industry’s most enduring, influential and best-loved franchises. 2017 marks the launch of Breath of the Wild, the newest game in the franchise. Join the staff of Zelda Universe as we take a journey back through the history of the series: its creation, evolution, the highs, the lows, and the wonderfully weird and obscure. Bring along your Zelda knowledge as there will be prizes.
11:00am-5:00pm – Super Smash Bros. 4 PAX Arena Tournament (PAX Arena)
1:00pm-2:00pm – Forgotten Franchises: Gaming Gems In Need of a Comeback (Dragonfly Theatre)
Several franchises have been getting HD makeovers recently. Even games that started in HD are getting remade into more-HD. However, it feels like some franchises have been left in the dust, never to be seen again. Perhaps it’s time to jog our memories and bring these great games back! In this panel, we’ll discuss the ongoing trend of HD-remakes, franchises we would love to see return, and what the industry can do to keep our old favorites alive or resuscitate them fully.
2:30pm-3:30pm – YouTube Gaming: Turning Your Hobby Into a Career! (Dragonfly Theatre)
Playing video games is more than just beating your friends and getting the highest score – It’s about Turning Your Hobby Into a Career! Nintendo Brand Ambassador and Chicago-Local, Abdallah [] will be onstage discussing YouTube strategy for aspiring YouTubers, equipment recommendations, livestreaming tips, pros and cons of having a YouTube Gaming Career, and free reign to ask anything you’ve ever wanted to know about YouTube, Video Games, or life in general.