PAX West 2019: Handheld Tournaments (Saturday)

PAX West is huge… there’s a lot of walking. A lot of floors. A lot of buildings?! You might be looking for a chance to get off your feet today, and what better way than with a handheld tournament? You’ll want to make your way down to the Handheld Lounge right away and get your name on the list.

Don’t forget to bring your own devices & games as there are no equipment checkouts. If you have questions, ask an Enforcer in the area and they’ll be able to assist or find the right person to do so.

  • 11am-1pm – Arms (Switch)
  • 1pm-3pm – Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon (3DS)
  • 4pm-6pm – Mario Tennis: Aces (Switch)
  • 6pm-8pm – Splatoon 2 (Switch)
  • 8pm-10pm – 1-2-Switch (Switch)
  • 8pm-10pm – Mario Kart 64 (N64)


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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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