Projection: First Light from Blowfish Studios and Shadowplay Studios arrives today on Nintendo Switch! This light projection / shadow puppet-esque title is a platformer that we first previewed at PAX East 2018, where it took our “game of the show” title and resulted in our seeking it out at subsequent PAX events to enjoy updates and replays of the demo (including the recent PAX Online).
Needless to say, we’re thrilled that launch day is finally here! A new trailer is also available, so please check that out below.
If you’re unfamiliar, Projection: First Light introduces Greta, a young girl who travels through various inspired locales—China, Turkey, Indonesia, and more—to discover more about her light-manipulation ability. And meet a butterfly or two.
It’s difficult to express the uniqueness of this title, but the platforming mechanic that really sets it apart is how you control light to create platforms for Greta’s progress and to solve puzzles. Every demo we’ve played has been challenging and exciting, and we’re looking forward to playing through the entire thing.
You can grab it on the eShop for $19.99USD.