It’s Time! 3DS XL and New Super Mario Bros. 2 Out in North America

Where were you yesterday morning? If you’re anything like the Nintendo Fire crew, you were out at your favourite game store, picking up a 3DS XL and New Super Mario Bros. 2. It was release weekend!

Even though Japan and Europe received the XL earlier—a month ago, for some—the North American release matched Mario’s debut on the improved platform, making it an easy package purchase for many. When we talked to the store staff in our local FutureShop, they stressed how busy they’d been… a good sign for Mario and his new home!

Still not sure whether the XL is worth your hard-earned pennies? We’ll bring you an XL review in the upcoming weeks, with thoughts from all of us here at Nintendo Fire. And if you have your XL and are looking to transfer the data, your instructions are here.

And if you’re not making the switch? You can of course play Mario’s latest adventure on your standard 3DS.

Happy gaming!


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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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