Wii U Release for Japan on December 8th

The Wii U preview in Japan was about 20 minutes long and completely full of information… and admittedly, since we don’t speak Japanese, we’re going on second-hand information here. But we’re bringing it to you all the same!

In Japan, the Wii U will release on December 8th, and there will be two bundles to choose from. One is a basic, 8GB white version for 26,250 Yen and a black 32GB version for 31,500 Yen. Additional GamePad controllers will be 13,440 Yen, though one will be included with each system bundle.

New Super Mario Bros U and Nintendo Land have been confirmed for launch day, and while there’s some grumbling about why Nintendo Land isn’t bundled with the console, reminders are swirling that Wii Sports wasn’t bundled with the Wii originally in Japan either.

The Japanese press conference also unveiled Nintendo Network Premium, included with the 32GB system and offering benefits like 10% discounts on games for up to two years.

Yes, there will be backwards compatibility. Yes, we think you’ll be able to transfer your Virtual Console and WiiWare software, and yes, the system will come with an HDMI cable to make your life easier (at least, if you live in Japan… hopefully we’ll get this confirmed for North America later this morning).

So, that’s the news out of Japan. In just a few more hours, we’ll hear the details for North America (and Europe), so stay tuned!


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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