Wii U Pre-Orders Going Fast in North America

If you haven’t pre-ordered your Wii U yet, you might want to get on that… particularly if you were hoping to avoid human interaction and order it online.

Over the weekend, Gamestop in the U.S. sold out of Deluxe bundles, and now only has the Basic set available at the time of writing. You’re also going to be out of luck with K-Mart, Target, Toys R Us, Sears and Best Buy. In Canada, Futureshop is still taking pre-orders on both sets, but Best Buy and EB Games are sold out of Deluxe bundle pre-orders.

On Wal-Mart’s website, you can get it, but you’ll be suckered into a bundle deal of over $400.

Whether this reflects low numbers of allotted launch stock, high pre-order sales, or an uncertainty over inventory, we don’t know at this time. We also don’t know if these high pre-orders mean that eBay sellers over the holiday season will be trying to get a premium price from desperate parents.

Either way, it looks like a good thing from our perspective… and if you were planning on getting in your pre-order, you might want to do it very soon!


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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