Cake Ninja 2 Sneaks onto DSiWare

Anyone remember Cake Ninja? No? That’s the game we saw on DSiWare that pretty much ripped off Fruit Ninja (the smartphone game, now on Xbox 360 Kinect). And it was a crappy, overpriced rip-off too boot.

So of course, that means there’s a hole in the marketplace for… Cake Ninja 2??? Sure…

That’s right, Cypronia is returning to the scene of the crime with a sequel that promises multiple modes and leaderboards (ooooh). There will be four single-player modes and four multiplayer modes, naturally with achievements to unlock (because we’ve never seen that in Fruit Ninja…). For Europeans, there’ll also be a contest in each single-player mode, with a top prize of 100,000 DSi Nintendo Points for winners to share.

North America’s got this one approved already, and the process is underway in Europe… so, who wants cake?


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Author: Dave View all posts by
Dave will tell you that he likes to play video games, this is in fact a lie. What he really likes to do is buy games, and leaving them sitting unopened on his shelf. He is a monster.

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