There have been plenty of rumors and speculation over whether the Wii Mini is a real thing… but Best Buy Canada just took the rumor to a whole new level with a confirmation of sorts.
The website for the store features an image of the snappy-looking new Wii console, which looks like it’ll sit differently from the old design (flat instead of standing up). The only problem here is, when you click the image on the website, you’re taken to a page for Best Buy’s Wii section where there aren’t any more images or product information on the item. And no pre-order option.
Other websites like NintendoLife have contacted Best Buy Canada to get some clarification on the Wii Mini, but as usual Nintendo refuses to comment on rumors or speculation.
Whether we’ll actually see the Wii Mini as a set-top device next week is completely up in the air, but we imagine there will be a few lesser-informed parents and kids scratching their heads in confusion, trying to figure out what the difference is between a Wii Mini and Wii U with such close-together release dates.