Fire Emblem: Awakening Heading to 3DS eShop

In case you haven’t opened the eShop lately, Nintendo has been steadily making copies of its retail titles available for download through the eShop. Games like Mario Kart 7 and New Super Mario Bros. 2 show up in the 3DS’s shop, while the Wii U has downloads available for titles like Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U.

So it appears that releasing games in this format may allow for additional digital North American releases of Japanese games that we weren’t certain would make their way into the eShop… and it’s starting with Fire Emblem: Awakening on February 4th. Previous to this announcement, there had been some speculation that the download version of the game might not make it to North America, since it hadn’t shown up in the Japanese 3DS eShop. Put those doubts to rest right now!

Obviously this isn’t an issue for those players who have pre-ordered physical copies of the game (did you get your pre-order bonus?), but for anyone who’s tired of seeing the clutter of video game plastic shells wherever they turn, this increase in retail titles on the eShop is a welcome sight.

European gamers will also have the opportunity to download the title when it launches in their region in April.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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