3DS System Update Fixes Previous System Update

Another small system update has come along from Nintendo, upgrading the 3DS firmware to 5.1.0-11U. Last month’s update, as reported by many 3DS users, made it difficult for some to access areas of the 3DS like System Settings, eShop, or Game Notes—and apparently this update makes things right again.

Nintendo’s note reads as such:

Version 5.1.0-11U available via wireless internet connection includes the following improvements: Resolves an issue that may prevent access to the System Settings or other features.

Some users received an error during the system update and were then unable to access the System Settings, Nintendo eShop, or Game Notes. This update prevents this from occurring again. If you are currently experiencing this error, please click here  for related troubleshooting.”

For those of you who are still having issues with settings access, go ahead and use the system update screen shortcut (power up while pressing L-R-A-Up on the D-pad). Fingers crossed for success for everyone who needs this update!


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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