Get Your SD Cards Ready… DK Country Returns is a Beast

As more and more players turn to downloadable versions of retail releases, there’s one thing they’re realizing—they need more space on their systems! Well, if you’re one of those folks, and you’re planning to download Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D from the eShop when it releases next month, you might want to head out and grab an SD card now.

This 3DS-fitted version of the popular Wii game comes to 17,693 blocks of space on the console, bringing it up to one of the largest downloads we’ve seen in the eShop (ie. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is only 14,284 blocks). That’s likely bringing Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D to over 2GB.

Now, if you’re on the 3DS XL, you may be okay—your system comes with 4GB of space already, so provided you don’t have too many other downloads, you might have room. 3DS players only have a 2GB card included in their system, so they’ll need to head out to the store for a bigger card. Then again, if you buy most of your games through download, you may already have a larger card (or be thinking about buying one).

Only a couple more weeks to wait for this one—we’ll see it release on May 24th.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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