DKCR3D Comes with Free Mario Lost Levels

…but only at Best Buy, and only in the United States.

Nintendo of America has confirmed this promo, where anyone who purchases Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D from the big box tech store will also receive a download code for a free copy of Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels off the 3DS eShop.

The Lost Levels retails in the shop for $4.99, so it’s worthwhile if you were planning to play both games. That said, if you’re hitting up the Best Buy website for more details, forget it—things on there have been showing up wonky, so you’re better off heading down to your local store and grabbing the game while the free code lasts!


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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