PAX Prime: Nintendo-Themed Panels (Friday)

If you’ve had trouble picking up a schedule, or lost yours along the way, here’s a quick look at what’s coming up today in terms of Nintendo-themed events. We recommend getting to rooms early, as the space often fills up quickly.

And because you’re Nintendo fans, we don’t need to tell you that waiting in line can be fun—make some friends with other 3DS players, and have a multiplayer game using download play while you wait!

We’re taking these descriptions right from the program, so you’ll have just as much info as we do!

  • 1pm-2pm – The Making of NES Games (Wolfman Theatre)

“Games have evolved greatly since the ‘80s, as has game development. Why were there so many sidescrollers on the NES? What caused the sprite flickering and rainbow color banding? Why did games in Europe often run slower? Why were third generation NES games substantially better? Just how far could the NES be pushed with additional cartridge hardware? The limitations of the NES defined the games and gave programmers technical puzzles to solve each project. Gain a greater understanding of 8-BIT games and learn how they were made.

Panelists include: Brian Provinciano [Developer, Vblank Entertainment]

  • 8pm-9pm – Arabian Fights: Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis (Pegasus Theatre)

“Disney’s Aladdin isn’t just an incredible film, but a defining moment in the great 16-bit wars as well. Hop a carpet and fly over to witness two teams of gaming aficionados debate to death the merits of Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis versions of this Walt Disney masterpiece. It’s bound to be barbaric, but hey, it’s video games.”

Panelists include: Jared Rea [Community Manager, Twitch], Phil Kollar [Reviews Editor, Polygon], Nick Chester [Publicist, Harmonix], Hollander Cooper [Games Radar, Lead Features Editor], Stephanie Bayer [Popcap, Community Marketing Manager], Kate Welch [Arena Net, UI Designer]


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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