Beautiful Visuals in New Trailer for The Wind Waker HD

As the release date for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD creeps closer, Nintendo is doing everything it can to ensure that fans of the Zelda series—and potential new players—know exactly what it is that differentiates this updated version of the game from the original. After all, players want to know… why should they spend money on an update of an old game instead of just playing the original one?

In a new trailer, Nintendo answers exactly that question. There are three minutes of footage that feature stunning visuals, along with notable game features like first-person aiming, and a streamlined Triforce collection. And the game’s Miiverse area!

Whether you’ve played the GameCube original or you’re a newer fan of the game series, check out the video below to see exactly what Nintendo has done to update this beloved title.


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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