Doodle Jump Journeys onto Nintendo DS

It wasn’t too long ago that the announcement was made for Doodle Jump Adventures’ impending leap to the Nintendo 3DS console—a port of the smartphone game, Doodle Jump. Now it’s been confirmed that the DS will also see the release of Doodle Jump Journey from Lima Sky.

Journey will be a scaled-down version when compared to the 3DS one, with only three themes (Classic, Space, Jungle) and an Endless Mode. So, not much different than the smartphone game, with the exception of the price tag.

Smoking Gun Interactive will develop both versions of the game, and will be published in North America by GameMill.

The co-founder of Lima Sky, Igor Pusenjak, had a few things to say about the upcoming release:

“Nintendo is synonymous with great platformers, adorable characters and on-the-go gaming. Doodle Jump is a natural fit on Nintendo’s handhelds. We’re thrilled to bring the Doodler to audiences that have yet to meet him while bringing great new adventures to our existing fans.”


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Author: Faith View all posts by
Faith likes games and books and cake and writing and Lara Croft, not necessarily in that order. She also thinks a Skylanders cartoon show is a really, REALLY good idea...

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