3DS Slidepad, $20 and battery powered?

So, one of the things that came out of the 3DS Conference last night?  3DS SlidePad details!  I have to say that it does look better in it’s official pictures, but even so it’s not a pretty piece of kit.  So, what did we learn?

Well, it’ll cost around $19 when you convert from yen, will be out December 10th in Japan (Day and date of Monster Hunter 3G of course), and it will, in fact, have a wrist strap.  This was spied by the hawk-eyed guys over at CVG, peering into the text visible on the actual device.

It’s also powered by a single AAA battery, which honestly I’m split on.  I mean, not sucking the underpowered 3DS battery is a good thing, but having to feed it AAA’s or have rechargables on hand is a pain.  I would have loved to see it double as a secondary li-on battery pack for the 3DS, solving two issues in one.  This would have especially been nice for people who have already invested in a product like Nykos Power Pack, which will of course not be compatible with the slidepad.

So, who’s excited to pay $20 more?


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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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