Remember when I told you about the Club Nintendo revamp and how they’re going to be offering new games for download for your hard earned coins every once in awhile? No? Oh. Well they’re doing that.
The first set of games left us yesterday, and that means we’ve got a new set to pick from, but only until January 31st! So what do we have?
3DS eShop
Dr. Mario Express, 150 coins (DSiWare also)
Kirby’s Dream Land – GameBoy, 100 coins
Dr. Mario Online Rx, 100 coins
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask – Nintendo 64, 150 coins
Not a bad selection, and I have to admit I’m weak enough (and have enough coins) that I may have already downloaded both 3DS titles. On the plus side, with all the games I’m downloading I get to do surveys to give me more coins, which now means I’m platinum yet again. Who says Nintendo doesn’t like their fans?