Nintendo Direct Product Hints and Details

Nintendo decided that news should be announced directly to consumers on their official site, announcing the broadcast by a swapnote from Nintendo of America boss Reggie.  This is the third such ‘Nintendo Direct’ broadcast, and they’ve always been full of interesting and not-so-interesting news. So, what did they hint at or talk about this time?

Well the first and probably of the most interest, everyone with a 3DS and Swapnote will already know.  The director and producer of Zelda sent everyone a note saying ‘I hope you’re looking forward to New Legend of Zelda games’.  I think we can probably safely assume that yes, many people are. I have commented on the rumors of a Zelda 3DS game in the works already, and even before this it seemed like a no brainer.  Zelda has shown up on every Nintendo console at least once, and I’m sure a non-remake one will show up sooner or later.  Open up your 3DS and check Swapnote if you want to see all of the message, and the cute sprite decorations.

Second, all kinds of new details about the multiplayer in Kid Icarus: Uprising have come out.  Take a look at the video below for all the weapons and modes you’ll find.  You might also find the name Masahiro Sakurai familiar, as he’s the creator of Super Smash Bros.  Pretty sure he knows his multiplayer stuff.

And lastly, thanks to the guys over at Kotaku for watching the Japanese Nintendo Direct and showing us this: the new Brain Age doctor from the upcoming ‘Demon Training’.  They’re making it harder, and the good doctor is now an devil-type guy.  Wonder if this will see a US release…



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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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