Kid Icarus Uprising not getting a sequel

Masahiro Sakurai, the man responsible for the surprisingly decent Kid Icarus: Uprising has spoken with IGN over email and squashed any talk of a sequel that involved him.

If by ‘lasting universe’ you mean to ask if there’s a sequel, the answer is no. [The reason is] because we pushed a lot into the game in order to let people have this short yet deep experience, but the novelty of that would likely grow thin in the next game. For now, my thought is that perhaps we’ll see someone else besides me make another Kid Icarus in another 25 years.

Now I know you have both camps on this, those who want Nintendo to keep making updated and new versions with old characters, and those that yell at them for doing just that.  So here in a rare move, the latter camp may actually win out.  Sakurai went on to give us a bit more insight into the development.

No matter how much you change a game’s genre and whatnot for the times, I think it’s vital you never lose your respect for the original game. With the first Kid Icarus, it’s not a serious adventure – it has a more humorous bent to it, one you don’t see in the original Legend of Zelda and Metroid that came out that generation. To embody that in a modern style, we made efforts not to have it seem like a run-of-the-mill battle – the story flow is really daring and unfolds in crazy ways that don’t pay too much attention to the setting.

The Japanese version is definitely very comedic too. It’s something that takes advantage of the nuances of Japanese conversation, and not all of it works directly in English. We had NOA handle the localization, and I told them to change the meaning and content as much as they want – that I wanted conversations that sound natural and enjoyable to a native speaker.


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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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