Batman: Arkham Origins Wii U Gets a Season Pass

Despite the bitterness that some Wii U owners may feel from what they sense is “secondary status” from game developers and their DLC content for major titles, all that is about to change. Well, for one game, anyway.

Yes, Batman: Arkham Origins on the Wii U will still not have the online multiplayer that other versions of the game have, but hey—you’re going to get a season pass for the DLC!

The season pass offers additional content for the main campaign, plus standard extras such as skins to play dress-up with Batman. There will be five DLC packs in this season pass, and what’s listed below is what has been confirmed thus far:

–          Gotham by Gaslight Batman Skin / Brightest Day Batman Skin

–          New Millennium Skins Pack

–          Infinite Earths Skins Pack

–          Arkham Origins Initiation: Play as Bruce Wayne before he became Batman, and face his final test to prove himself worthy to his greatest teacher, Kirigi

–          An all-new story campaign

The season pass for the DLC will be $19.99 in North America, which will shave about $10 off the price of buying each item individually.


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Author: Micah View all posts by
Micah has been playing games since his first pong machine, and has been writing for as long as he could grip a pencil and not drool on the paper. So, for about a week.

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